How to coordinate a power supply project and when is it required?

Before starting work related to electrical installation, you should think over and calculate everything in advance. In this case, some nuances should be taken into account. For example, initially necessary get TU (technical conditions), which are the basis of any plan and are issued, as a rule, “MOESK” (Moscow United Electric Grid Company) or “OEC” (United Energy Company). You may also have to coordinate the power supply project if the power consumption exceeds the norm or if there is an intersection of your supply line with other utilities. Next, we will consider the procedure for resolving this issue.

When it is required

Schema Approval

But what to do when the power exceeds 15 kW? In such cases, an electrical project is drawn up, which is the basic technical documents necessary to build an electrical network for an apartment in an apartment building, a private house or a commercial building. This project should be sent for further approval to the branch of the electric grid company OJSC “MOESK”, OJSC “Mosenergosbyt” and “Rostekhnadzor”.

Also, coordination is required if the power supply line intersects with other utilities. In this case, depending on the nature of the networks, it is necessary to approve the project, for example, in the GTS, GUP Mosvodostok, GUP Mosvodokanal or GUP Moskollektor (or another organization related to the issue).


Power consumption is calculated individually for each residential or commercial premises. If it exceeds 15 kW, then coordination is required. The standard project includes such documents as:

  • title page and general information;
  • location plan of sockets and lighting network;
  • statement of operational responsibility;
  • power supply scheme;
  • technical report of test of insulation resistance of electrical wiring;
  • technical characteristics of metering devices and wiring accessories;
  • technical characteristics of electrical wiring (type of wire, its cross section and method of laying).

Wiring Plan

The project begins by calculating the amount of electrical equipment and determining their location. In order for the power supply to be developed correctly, it is necessary to calculate the total load that electrical appliances will consume. This power must be in accordance with the norm. How to define it?

Allocated power prescribed in the technical specifications for the connection of the electric network. Its value is determined by the ability of the electric grid company to provide a certain amount of electricity to the consumer and depends on the state of the high-voltage power line, the load of the nearest TPs, etc.

Coordination of an electrical project is a confirmation that all the documentation provided is in accordance with electric power standards. As soon as the document is confirmed by the relevant authorities, then you can begin electrical work.

The power supply according to the plan is agreed in:

  • management company;
  • sales organization (in the case when the permitted capacity exaggerates the norms);
  • Rostechnadzor (coordination of the relevance of normative acts of electrical safety);
  • state examination bodies.

Agreed by the Chief Power Engineer

In accordance with local authorities, coordination with other organizations is possible. In order to find out the sequence and order of actions and which organizations to contact, you should call Rostekhnadzor. The timing of such a procedure ranges from one to two weeks. Consideration lasts so long because it is necessary to take into account the wishes of the client in addition to the basic requirements.

Once the project has been agreed with all the necessary and required services and organizations, you can begin to implement it and carry out all the necessary electrical work. This should be done according to the developed plan. Once the power supply has been completed, it should be carried out insulation test installed wiring. Although this procedure does not require special skills, it should be carried out exclusively by a licensed organization. A technical report is added to the project, which is drawn up by the company’s specialists who perform the verification (measurements). An electricity project without this report is considered incomplete.

After all approval procedures, the required and collected documents (including those with the technical report) are transferred to the operation service (for example, to the DEZ). This is considered the final final action in the statement. If everything is fine with the documents, then the operation service gives permission and permission for the project to be put into implementation and to operate the finished power supply network for the apartment building.

Getting permission

That, in fact, is the whole procedure for agreeing on a power supply project. As you can see, the statement is a rather time-consuming procedure, but it is not always required. Therefore, if your management company requires you to additionally coordinate the project, but there is no reason for this, you can safely refer to the Government Decision mentioned above!

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