Help repair the music center LG FFH -1079

Sergei asks:
Hello, I have this question, I have a center before that it worked for me but only cassettes, but for some reason it didn’t start. And I decided to look at what I pulled out, I didn’t turn off the top cable with cd and, due to stupidity, I turned off the power cable and the cable fell on the power supply and shortened it.

A diode has flown out and the chip for 8 legs I do not remember what is now called, it is there alone, it was also replaced because it also warmed up very much. And still it doesn’t turn on, it goes to the controller further down the tracks, has it really taken off? How to determine exactly, please help and the controller underfoot is not visible, unfortunately, what is the number.

The answer to the question:
Hello! Which controller, why? Check if the power supply produces anything at all, if not, then look at the SMD jumper fuses, they come in the form of 0 Ohm resistors. If the power supply produces ratings, then check if power is coming to the controller to begin with, check the integrity of all tracks. It is impossible to say with full confidence whether or not the controller could fly out of the short circuit in the block! I think not.

If there was an oscilloscope it would be possible to see what is happening on the quartz, as well as “poke” along the legs. If there is no oscilloscope, then you can at least touch with your fingers for heating. If the heat is strong, it most likely died. You can even measure with a multimeter whether your controller draws current.



  • Sergei

    The power supply is working, all the voltages are coming from it, but the controller is warming up, the oscilloscope is there, please tell me how to be and how to determine what exactly, I wanted to find the circuit on the Internet and did not find LG FHH-1079, it would be easier to find the reason.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Look at the circuit by the name of the controller, you can find the datasheet, with an oscilloscope you can check for the presence of at least some signals on its legs. By the way, not every microcontroller heats up during operation, much?
      Do the voltages go normal or disappear when you try to press something on some buttons?

      To answer

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