How to connect a power outlet if the wires are not known?

An old-style electric stove was connected to this outlet. The photo shows that 3 wires are suitable for a 4-pin socket.

Socket for electric stove

In theory, I thought phase, zero, earth. When checking with an indicator screwdriver:

  • 1 wire showed that phase.
  • 2 wire showed nothing (meaning zero or ground).
  • 3 wire - at the moment of touching the indicator screwdriver, the indicator on it blinked and that’s it.

I checked a dozen times 3 wire, the indicator does not work. After an hour, I decided to check again - the indicator blinked again and all other checks show nothing.

So now the actual questions:

  1. Why at the first touch of the indicator screwdriver its indicator blinks 1 time?
  2. What kind of wire is zero or earth?
  3. And how to connect a 3-pin socket for a new electric stove to them?

One comment

  • Admin

    Hello! Capacity some likely. The chain is long, that’s blinking. Fold the ground and zero on the shield, alternately closing, determine where and connect the outlet. Or do you not know what to screw in three contact? No one will tell you wires over the Internet. Measure and call. I told you the technique

    To answer

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