Replace a single-pole input circuit breaker with a double-pole input?

In the shield located on the pole, a single-pole 32 A circuit-breaker was installed at the input, and zero directly onto the bus. It can be reliably replaced with a bipolar automatic machine.
How do you advise?



  • Admin

    It is better to redo the 2-pole machine. You never know what could be. Moreover, they usually try to put such machines on input.

    To answer
  • Alexander

    As a rule, from the pillar there is an entrance to the private house of the old foundation where there is no grounding. In this case, it is not recommended to start zero through the machine (here on the site). Or am I not understanding something? Can I comment in more detail?

    To answer
    • Admin

      This refers to the installation of bipolar machines in the TN-C-S network. When is the PEN conductor separated by PE and N on the GHS bus? connected to the grounding device. In your case, in a two-wire network without a circuit, it is better to install a two-pole circuit breaker, since dangerous voltage can occur between zero and grounded elements.

      To answer

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