We take readings from the counters Mercury, Micron, Energomera

Very often a situation arises when it is not clear how to correctly take the readings of an electricity meter. Difficulties, as a rule, arise on new models of electric meters: with an electronic display, obscure buttons at first glance and the availability of tariffs for day and night. So that you can correctly read the data and transfer it for payment, then we will tell you how to independently take readings from the most popular models of electric meters: Mercury, Energomera and Mikron.

Old Models

If you have an induction energy meter installed in your apartment or on a house pillar - a disk is spinning on the front panel, data acquisition is not difficult. You must write the evidence on the same day of each month. Further, everything is very simple - from the existing value it is necessary to subtract the number that you wrote out last month. As a result, you should get a monthly energy consumption. However, the data acquisition procedure does not end there.Photo of an old-type induction electric meter

A very important point that will simplify the process of taking a little - you should take readings on the counter only to the decimal point. The last digit, which is highlighted in a different color (most often red, as shown in the photo), is not taken into account. If you look at a good example, how to remove the monthly consumption, then according to the photo you should write 000004 kW / hour (excluding the last four).Six-digit dialDial on Mercury 201

Further, it all depends on how electricity is paid in relation to your service organization. Either you simply pass the readings to the organization, or you yourself calculate the amount of payment and pay it on receipt. In the latter case, you need to multiply your removed value by the tariff that you use.

Briefly about electricity readers

New Models

Modern electronic meters no longer use rotating discs and mechanical dials. In such models of electric meters, an electronic display is already installed, which, in addition to the general indication of kW / h, can display the operating time, metering for a certain time of day, etc. All these innovations actually allow you to quickly take off the electricity consumption per month and at the same time view the rest, no less important readings.Electronic meter display

At first glance it may seem that it will be difficult to take readings of electricity for a month from such a mini-computer, but this is not so. Everything is much simpler than you think. So, to take the data, you have to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Press the “Enter” button (you may have to press it several times to find a suitable parameter).
  2. If you have a single-rate meter, write out the value of T1, two-tariff - T1 and T2, three-tariff - T1, T2 and T3.
  3. Subtract available values ​​from the same in the previous month.
  4. Transfer the readings to a service organization or independently calculate the amount payable.It should be borne in mind that if you have an electric meter for two or three tariffs, each value (T1, T2, T3) must be multiplied by its own coefficient, which is indicated in the receipt.
How to take data from an electricity meter Mercury 230?

By analogy with this video example, you can take data from the device Mercury 200, Mikron, Cascade, Energomera, Neva and Lane Electro. ABOUT advantages and disadvantages of dual tariff meters we talked in the corresponding article. With the proper use of household appliances, such electric meters are much more profitable than ordinary models!

You must know!

  1. If the electricity meter went to count in the second round, that is, if it is reset, you need to take electricity readings as follows: add the unit ahead of the existing number and subtract the value for the last month. For example, if you have a five-digit display (without the decimal point) on which 00033 is displayed after zeroing (as in the photo below), you need to add “1” on the left. As a result, from the number 100033 you need to subtract the old reading for the month, for example, 99916 kW / h. Finishing the same example, you should get 117 kW / h (100033-99916). By analogy, you can take readings of a four-digit or six-digit electricity meter.The second circle on the dial
  2. If there is no comma on the mechanical display, as in the photo below (model Energomera tse6803v), and you find it difficult to take data for a month, there are two ways out of the situation. It is better, of course, to immediately check with the organization that installed the electricity meter how to correctly take the monthly electricity readings. But, if you and the master himself forgot to clarify this moment, then visually look at the front panel. A tenth of the energy consumption should be highlighted in a different color - red, if there is no comma. In the event that there is no visual separation, then you need to remove all 4 or 5 digits and write it on the receipt.Three-phase model of Energomer tse6803v without tenths
  3. Reading from a three-phase electricity meter does not differ from a single-phase model. It is only necessary to write out all the numbers after the decimal point and subtract from the values ​​of the last month.
  4. If a modern meter of a new type is installed in your house or apartment - electronic, the testimony to the service organization can be transferred automatically - remotely. In this case, you do not need to take electricity meter data every month, as the receipt itself will come to the address. An automated monitoring and reading system called ASKUE very convenient, especially if you have a multi-tariff electricity meter installed.The principle of work ASKUE

As you can see, it is not at all difficult or even important to calculate the monthly electricity consumption yourself, whether you have a single-rate electric meter, or a multi-rate, single-phase or three-phase, electronic or induction one. We hope that the material was understandable for you and now you know how to take readings of an electricity meter. We recommend that you look at the video examples provided, which show instructions for removing data yourself!

Also read:

How to take data from an electricity meter Mercury 230?

Briefly about electricity readers

(18 votes)


  • Lavrova

    Thank you very much for the information.
    Even in the reference petroelectrosbyta
    they couldn’t explain it to me in such detail.

    To answer
  • Lavrova

    Thank you very much for the detailed information on taking readings from the old meter. Even in the reference PES they could not explain me in such detail.

    To answer
  • Olga

    Thank!!! Everything became clear at once! Everywhere there would be such professionals.

    To answer
  • Sergei

    Power Engineer- Senior Master in Novy Vasyugan Volkovsky Sergey is trying to force local consumers energy when taking readings from the counters, consider the number after the decimal point - tenths of a kilowatt. In this case, an overrun occurs - an overpayment 10 times higher than the real one. At a minimum, this is not professionalism, but a maximum scam.

    To answer
  • Gennady

    Tell me, I read the entire instruction from page 18 to the final counter
    Energomer CE102M R5.1 But he did not understand what sequence of commands to reach the total monthly indicator, he shows everything except this item. Tell me what to do.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! I read the instructions. It says that you need to hold the "FRAME" button for more than 1 second, after which the values ​​will change sequentially. Second in a row is monthly accumulation.

      To answer
  • Tatyana

    Hello! We have a grandmother with an electric meter, but we don’t know which one. We haven’t changed it for so long. So here. We take 5 digits, but it turns out that it runs on 300 or more kilowatts. But in addition to the refrigerator, TV and light bulbs, there are no more appliances, and you have to pay 300-400 in the summer. Is this right or wrong?

    To answer
    • Admin

      No, it’s not right, it’s better to call an electrician, let him check everything.

      To answer
  • Svetlana

    The apartment has 2 meters, one at the entrance to the dashboard, the second in the apartment takes readings of the electric stove. How to testify? sum from both counters?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Watching how these 2 counters are connected (separately or 2nd from 1st). To answer this question you need to know the wiring diagram in the apartment.

      To answer
      • Svetlana

        Counters are connected separately, and show different readings.

        To answer
        • Admin

          In this case, the readings must be summarized! But better check with your management company.

          To answer
  • Valentine

    Tell me how we can take readings if it shows: T1 - 1109.17; T2 - 605.43; The sum of T1T2 is 1714.59, and T1 is 334.82; T2 - 350.25; the amount of T1T2 - 685.07. What figures to take?

    To answer
    • Admin

      To take readings from a two-tariff electricity meter, it is necessary to write off the readings T1 and T2, with an accuracy of one digit after the decimal point, for example 1109.2. Then from the readings T1 and T2 take the same readings for the last month. The total values ​​separately must be multiplied by their coefficients (tariffs). After that, the obtained values ​​summarize, which is the final result.

      To answer
  • Fedor

    Everything is well and thoroughly written, but this is when the counter is "under the nose." But what about when it is 4 meters above the ground on a pole? there are no devices (sensors, etc.). They say - send SMS-ki ... .... ELECTRIC POWER METER SINGLE-PHASE MULTI TARIFF SM101

    To answer
  • Svetlana

    But there are 7 (seven) digits on the panel. So what 4 or 5 digits do you need to remove?

    To answer
  • Nikolay

    CE-6823 100 V, current transformer 100/5, voltage transformer 6000/100, metering factor 1200. On the meter display 1700.12 MW previous readings 1698.35 MW. How many really burned up ????

    To answer
  • Victoria

    Please tell me how to take readings from the counter SO-EE6706

    To answer
  • Valenimna

    Please tell us how to take readings from the counter Mercury 234? Thank!

    To answer
  • Olesya

    We have an energy meter counter with T, T1 and T2. It turns out three indicators, not a single electrician who came to us can say for sure which indicator to take figures from. In the receipt for payment from the very beginning (the House was commissioned about 8 years ago) there is only one line with one tariff, that is, you need to multiply only one indicator (T, T1 or T2) by the tariff. What then do these three letters mean? I'm afraid that a huge debt for electricity has already grown, since all three figures are very different in size

    To answer
  • Vera

    How to take readings from the meter of the F68700V energy meter of 2005 of release. It is not highlighted in red and is not visible with a comma. But on a day of 170 sq. This is a lot

    To answer
  • Sergey Nikolaevich

    Hello. In the photo is a counter. Do you need to consider the last digit on the right or not?

    To answer
    • Admin

      There is no comma, so write off all the numbers - these are readings in kW. You can make sure that there are no tenths by watching how the last drum spins. If the house does not have a large load, it should spin slowly.

      To answer
  • Inna

    GOST 6570-75 five digits. Single phase. How to read readings? The last digit is read, or not

    To answer
  • Inna

    Here is a photo of the counter. How to read the readings, by what figure?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Is the last digit highlighted in a different color? The photo is not very clear. The last value quickly changes when the load is turned on, let's say a vacuum cleaner?

      To answer
  • Vladimir

    the same counter is old, the last digit is black, but the frame is also nibbled at the top to read five or four digits. I understood about the vacuum cleaner.

    To answer
  • natalya

    how to take readings

    To answer
  • Marina

    Hello, please tell me how to indicate indications for payment? How many kilowatts are 14 or 140?

    To answer
  • Oleg

    Good afternoon!

    please tell me how to read the readings of the PSCH-3TA.07 counter, 2 tariffs are fixed, 6 digits each (T1-041355; T2-025237) the earliest electrician took into account the first 5 digits 04135, the last digit was a tenth ..., with the arrival of a new the electrician the comma in the receipt disappeared and the calculation figure increased 10 times.? what calculations are considered correct ..

    To answer
  • Admin

    What is the difference what figure is a tenth? Tenths and hundredths are those that come after the decimal separator, that is, a period or a comma. You yourself see how quickly the figure changes during operation, if it is a tenth, it shows hundreds of watts, turn on some kind of device with a known power for an hour and see how the figure changes if you turn on the 1 kW heater, and the last digit per hour increased by 1 - it is kilowatts WHOLE.

    And if for an hour at the same load it changed by 10, and the penultimate figure is 1, then this is tenths of a kilowatt.

    I hope I clearly explained!

    To answer
  • Arthur

    Two tariff meter. T1 Den T2 night. What does ad mean by these letters?

    To answer
  • Farida

    Good afternoon, please tell me how many digits to read in the readings? And how much is a beauty salon kilowatt pay?

    To answer
    • Admin

      I see neither a dot, nor a highlighted decimal frame, most likely all the numbers need to be transmitted. You can check the model in the instructions.

      To answer

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