How to start connecting electricity to a private house?

Andrew asks:
Hello. How to connect a private house to the mains? A house in a remote village, you need to put a new counter inside, some kind of switch outside and so on. What is better for safety, RCD or difavtomat? No grounding. In addition to the circuit breaker, is there a need for a dual automatic machine in front of the counter?
The answer to the question:
Hello! Contact the management company, the chairman of the dacha community or the village leadership, in the end, the neighbors. You will be told which organization provides electricity in your village, after which you contact this organization (presumably an electric grid company of district significance), where they will give you a technical specification that clearly describes all the requirements, the necessary layout of the input panel and the requirements for its installation (facade, pipe rack , at what height) and talk about further actions. About who should do the work and how much they cost, whether it is necessary to install additional supports and so on.

Which switch outside are you talking about? There will be an introductory machine in the switchboard, after it a counter and already from the meter will go “your” cable to the introductory switchboard at home or any other place you like.


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