Why do the grain crushers start to drop during operation and does it stall?

Sergei asks:
Good evening, please tell me how to fix the problem ... the fact is that I’m a complete zero in the electrics. I have a 220V grain crusher, an 1.1 kW engine, 1350 RPM.

The engine is condenser (there were 6 capacitors in the box under the crusher). It stopped working for the first time, the electrician threw out these 6 capacitors, and put one in another place. after a short period of time, the motor winding burned out (I rewound). And now (what the question is), after rewinding the engine, I assembled it myself (3 wires were connected by an electrician), at the same time I threw the whips and put in a new sieve without a “4” hole.

All she began to work, but ... you fall asleep grain (if the feed is open for the whole, and the feed from above), the momentum drops and it stops. It works only when the grain feed shutter is closed at 75 percent, but it is VERY LONG TO CRUSH AND AT ALL NOT SERIOUSLY! Tell me what to do?

The answer to the question:
Hello! To begin with, it is not clear whether the capacitance of the capacitor is correctly selected by an electrician? Did you rewind it correctly? According to the description, there is clearly not enough power.

You can solve it either by rewinding the engine again and choosing the winding parameters correctly to provide more power, either replacing the engine or changing the gear ratio.

But first, make sure that the capacity is selected correctly. And what happens to the engine temperature when it stops? Does it get very hot?

Do you have a belt drive there? Try to put the other pulleys in order to lower the speed on the grain mill - then the moment will be greater at the same engine power and it should not stop.


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