The amount of material for the electrical installation of a three-room apartment

I ask for your expert opinion. I read articles on calculating the amount of material spent during posting and began to doubt whether my master who does the posting asks for a lot? The area of ​​the apartment is 78 m2, 3 rooms. In the attachment to the message, this is what was bought and asked for another 15,000 for materials (i.e. the same amount). Does this look normal in terms of quantity (at least approximately)?

The amount of material for electrical installation of the apartment



  • Admin

    Hello! This is not even enough, to be honest. In addition, there is no list of electrical panels, sockets, switches and other accessories. Automatic machines, RCDs are also included in the additional cost (another 15,000)? I think you are not being deceived.

    To answer
  • Eugene

    Thank you very much for your reply! We work further.

    To answer

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