How to make the grounding of the trading pavilion?

Sergei asks:
Tell me, can I ground the bus of the ground loop directly to the frame of the trading pavilion, and only then throw the ground wire from the frame into the electrical panel? TT connection diagram

Trading Pavilion

The answer to the question:
Yes it is possible, according to GOST R 50669-94, clause 4.3.4 and clause 4.3.5. In short, the frame is grounded by a nearby grounding conductor, and for the TT system, the electrical enclosures must be connected to the same grounding conductor. What you need to understand as a single grounding conductor for the building and electrical equipment in the TT system. But it’s better to weld a bolt to the circuit and attach the wire to it. Costs are minimal, and security is increased and the risk of bending a seam somewhere is reduced.

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