How to make the transition from SIP to aluminum cable in the house

Ivan asks:
Hello, such a question. Electricians changed the wiring for all residents along the street, from poles to houses. We have 3mm aluminum single-core wires from our house, 7mm multi-core aluminum wires from the pole. Electricians connected the wires like this (see photo).

In the photo, blue is 7mm, green is 3mm. And this whole thing in the rain, snow, in general, and hangs. Everything works, but I want to know if this is correct? If not, then how correctly, and how do you lead the wires correctly to the house?
Thanks in advance!

Wire connection

The answer to the question:
Hello! No, it’s impossible. Twisting is prohibited in all cases (PUE chapter 2.1. Sec. 2.1.21)

Most likely, the SIP wire comes from the support. They pull it on a pipe stand or on the facade of the house, where it is led into an electrical panel (if it is on the street) and connected to a meter, copper from the latter (in your case, aluminum of a different section).

If the meter is installed in the house, this is also sometimes done, and sometimes a pipe rack or insulators are mounted on the facade of the house, wires are pulled over them. A small sealed distribution box is installed on the wall (facade) and a transition to copper (aluminum) is made using the terminal blocks.

You can also do this with branch clamps. In general, the site has an article on this topic.


One comment

  • Ivan

    Thank you very much for the answer Alexey! Enlightened on this issue)

    To answer

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