How to calculate how much power a machine consumes?

Zaur asks:
Good time. Please tell me: in the machine tag is indicated current 312A. How to calculate how many kilowatts it consumes per hour. If possible, the order of the formula. Thanks in advance.

The answer to the question:
Hello! First, let's clarify what the machine is powered from? From a three-phase network 380V? Further, the current in 312A is a very large current, did you happen to be mistaken when the numbers were written from the tag? Maybe 31.2A?
In any case, the total power of the three-phase circuit is calculated by the formula:
S = ulinearI * 1.73
S = uphaseI * 3
According to the first formula:
S = 380 * 312 * 1.73 = 205 108 watts or 205.1 kW
According to the second formula, it also goes approximately
S = 220 * 312 * 3 = 205920 watts or 205.9 kW
Multiply by the number of hours, and find out how many kW / h it is winding. But this is a very big power, what is interesting for such a machine?
In detail, we considered the issue of calculating power in the article, I enclose, as you requested


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