What to do if the phone is buggy when connecting speakers?

Hello. There are external speakers, powered by batteries, connected to the phone through a regular 3.5 connector (still from a push-button phone left). At one time, I remade it powered by a power supply without any troubles - I just accepted plus and minus. The speakers worked. Time has gone and the phone has become touch-sensitive, so it works on it, only it is impossible to use the phone - the sensor goes crazy, it is pressed anywhere. How can this effect be eliminated?



  • Admin

    Hello! We have a site for electrical installation tips in a house and apartment. We have an indirect relation to electronics, and we have never encountered such a problem personally. Alternatively, try installing the appropriate batteries in the column, see how the phone will behave. Most likely, due to a change in the power source, the parameters of which do not correspond, the phone starts to “go crazy."

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  • Alexei

    The Honor inserted the phone into the canal! The speaker does not work and does not hold charging What's wrong with it?

    To answer

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