What should I do if I find an illegal connection to the mains?

Hello. In the country house, an electrician from the department during repair work found an inset. We did not do it, probably left from the previous owners. We did not know about her. Now an act has been drawn up and threaten a large fine. We go to the cottage on the weekend, do not spend the night, the house has been owned for 7 years. What to do? Tell me please.


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  • Admin

    Hello! In fact, this issue is closer to specialized lawyers, this is the case. In theory, when concluding a new contract for power supply and re-signing a personal account, we should have left to check your connection, the safety of seals, etc. The same check should have been at the termination of the contract with past owners. Why the tie-in to the power grid was not previously detected is not clear, so it’s hard to say what to do. Turn to lawyers, I think you are not the first to encounter this.

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